Sunday, May 3, 2009

Early Mother's Day Gift

This is a short but sweet post today. My mom went to visit my grandmother yesterday and she called her by name TWICE!! How great is that?!

It brought home to me just how much we take the little things for granted. My grandmother has not called my mom by name in over a year.

This Mother's Day I encourage you to remember the little things you have shared with your mother. Things you had thought you had forgotten, things that no one else would appreciate but you. If possible, share these thoughts with her. Let her know that you remember the little sacrifices she made for you.

God gave my mom a gift no one else could have given her. How sweet is that?

1 Comment:

  1. Michael Horvath said...
    Great reminder for us all to not take the people in our lives lightly. They won't always be here. Thanks.

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