Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One Woman's Junk......

Rather than post on what I donate, I though I would expand on 2 of my favorite charities.

The one charity that I donate the most is Vietnam Veterans of America. They will come to your house and pick up anything you decide to donate. After the first donation, you will envelopes in the mail periodically, that contain their yellow donation bags with a date they will be in your area. What I like the most about this organization is that the proceeds go directly to help Vietnam Vets. They help with legal issues, medical issues, jobs, training, and the Veteran's Homes.

The second charity that I use the most is Dress for Success. This organization helps women that are returning/joining the workforce with a suit appropriate for an interview. You must have an interview scheduled to be eligible for a suit. To get a second outfit, you must be working. This organization helps women from all walks of life. From homeless shelters, to stay at home moms returning to work. They also offer many different programs to help women that are entering the workforce. Dress for Success will take any interview appropriate clothing. Suits, dresses, blouses, skirts, shoes, handbags and accessories.

There is a similar organization for men call Career Gear. This organization is similar to Dress for Success. They are not as widespread but they are growing and you can contact them about affiliates in certain cities.

While I am sure there is a plethora of good charitable organizations out there, these are my top 3. I like the feeling of know that what I have donated is going to an individual that really needs it. I also feel better knowing that in some small way, I am helping some woman/vet/man make a better life for themselves and their families.


  1. betty said...
    great organizations to be associated with! when I volunteered for DFS in Montana, we gave an interview outfit, then clothes after they got hired, and then if they kept the job for 30 days, they got more clothes. They also opened up a kid's closet for kids' clothes so moms could pick something up for their kids when they got clothes for themselves. It was fun to be part of that organization.

    thanks for sharing :)

    John said...

    vet... is that a new gender?

    Kidding ;)

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