Something new(ish)
5 days ago
I've only got one wrinkle and I'm sitting on it. Jeanne Calment
Mumps in the Big Apple. I did not realize that the vaccine for the mumps is only 85% effective.
Brand Wars. This is a trend that even I have noticed in my local grocers/Wal Mart. I have to admit there are quite a few items that I buy that are off brand mainly because of price.
The Issue of Privacy. While I don't believe the school system in question meant any malice, I do think things should have been explained to parents in no uncertain terms. As a parent, I would not be happy with this situation.
Labels: Misc Trivia
Parents should certainly be told of privacy... are you refering to the laptop situation
I typically purchase the least expensive items instead of brand names. However, there are some cleaning items where I've found that only specific brand name products work the way I like them to work and a few food items that I find the brand name so superior that I still go ahead and buy it.