Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Secret Place

I don't really have a secret place. I used to. Christ tells us in His Word to pray to Him in secret. This should be a private place of personal worship and meditation on the Word of God.

I seem to have lost my place. I used to go in my closet. I am very "OCD" about my closet, but I have let it become disarrayed to the point that I no longer have a place on the floor to get with God.

You would think with all 3 of us working different schedules, that I could have some privacy in any room of my house. Not so. I almost always get interrupted when I am in prayer. The rooms are just too open. I try to stay awake until my husband leaves for work or stay up later when I get home but I always let something else get in the way.

I have to remedy this situation soon. I am open to any and all ideas on this problem. I am planning on organizing my closet floor tomorrow so maybe I can fix it myself but just in case....

1 Comment:

  1. Michael Horvath said...
    My place is in my mind. I know that doesn't help you much though. Have you tried to talk to your family about the need for "your own space" for a short while?

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