Saturday, February 28, 2009


There is a stomach virus making the rounds at the nursing facility my grandmother lives in. To keep it under control, they have quarantined all residents to their rooms. They are also asking that you stay away if you start exhibiting any of the symptoms.

I do not know how long this will last. A week so far. I am just thankful that my grandmother has not come down with this. She is getting upset because she has to stay in her room, but I think it will be over soon and she can get out. I thought about explaining it to her, but I decided that she just wouldn't understand so I just let it go.

I did take her some daffodils from my yard that are in bloom now. She was very excited and I think they perked her up a little.

This is just one of those things that happens when you have so many people living in close quarters. Even though everyone is in a semi-private room, germs travel fast in this kind of environment. My mom and I have learned to always wear gloves and to insist that others either do the same or wash their hands before and after visiting my grandmother. I know it sounds over the top, but if she gets a cold it could easily turn into pneumonia and that is just too dangerous at her age.

Since she is still in good spirits, I think she will weather this little "lock down" and be okay. If I am wrong, believe me she will have no problem voicing her angst when I see her this week:)


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