Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

As you all know, Veterans Day is Thursday. I am so excited because this is the first Veterans Day I have had off in forever! I honestly cannot remember the last time I was scheduled off for Veterans Day.

To celebrate this momentous occurrence, I thought I would share a little trivia about Veterans Day with all of you. I will try not to bore you with too many tidbits.

1. The U.S. Government has stated that the official spelling of Veterans Day is with no apostrophe.

2. It is celebrated on the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended WWI. The 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month.

3. In 1971, the day was moved to the 4th Monday in October. It was moved back to its original date in 1978.

4. Since the switch back to the original date, more businesses are remaining open. Most banks still close however, some schools and local governments are choosing to remain open.

I find this trend very disheartening. Not only because I am a Veteran, but, because I think this country has been losing sight of those that helped shape it into the great country that we have.

So, on this Veterans Day please take time out to thank a Vet that you may work with or be related to. Let them know that while you may not understand what they have been through, you do appreciate their willingness to give the ultimate sacrifice....their life.


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