Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another Year Older

My grandmother turned 95 on the 2nd of this month. I have been so ill that I have not been able to function let alone update ya'll on her health. I am hoping this round of antibiotics will do the trick.

I think this is the first year that she did not even realize it was her birthday. Due to my illness, I have been unable to visit her for almost 3 weeks now. I do miss seeing her smiling face.

I am not sure if this lost recognition is a step towards another faze in her Alzheimer's or not. Mom brought her a cake with balloons and really made a big deal about it. She and a few of Granny's favorite aides sang Happy Birthday to her but, she still was unable to comprehend that it was her birthday.

Mom seemed to take it in stride, but, I am having difficulty accepting this "new" Granny. She has ALWAYS known when it was getting close to her birthday. She would tease me for days before the event about how "young" she is.

I know that I have to deal eventually but not today. Today, I am just trying to get well so I can sit with her and have some fun with her for just a little while longer.


  1. betty said...
    Happy belated birthday to your Grandmother! Wow 95 years old!! Sorry you have been so sick though!

    Hubby's mom has dementia associated with Parkinson's disease, her memory over the past few months (mainly due to hip fracture, other illnesses) has really gone down, it is hard to see them like that (actually I haven't seen her in a few months, but hubby reports her progress). It is sad when you realize what they used to be and what they are now.

    hope you feel better soon!

    Sab | Rubber Ducks said...
    Hi Inge'

    Happy birthday to your granny. My grandfather also have a memory problem right now but not that worse yet. I guess we just have to deal with this eventually and just hope that when this happens to us, we have grandchildren to take care of us. :)
    belinda | said...
    wow, yes never too old to party! You're lucky you still have her. Happy birthday to her, more years! cheers.
    Little Green Plane said...
    Treasure every moment with her :) At that age, you can't be sure what will happen tomorrow. I recommend you stay with her and fill her with all the care and love she can get :)

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