Tuesday, September 30, 2008

okay, finally found the PBS link on caring for someone with Alzheimer's. also have another link you can reach by clicking on the title of this post. there is so much at the PBS site i can't begin to cover all of it here. you can Google the "Handbook for Mortals" and download excerpts form it. i found some of it very helpful. some of it i have already learned.

i also found a "tool box'' with 10 tools that are very helpful that i downloaded. will try to get the link in my next post. this is a list of ten tools with worksheets for you to go over with your family if you are the ill person or your family can go over with you. this is where you are directed by clicking on title of this post.

i hope this helps someone out there. if you want more information before i can post it just leave it in a comment and i will try to post it asap.

if you go to the main PBS site you should be able to search for the film "Forgetting". on the sidebar is listed a plethora of information you can read or copy and paste on your on computer via Microsoft word.


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